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Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Strength in numbers

Our experience and research has shown that many corporate buyers are frustrated with the process of finding, booking and paying for Wellness and Leadership services. Making it easier for them will increase the number of services booked annually. This really is a case of growing the pie so everybody benefits.

Selling While You Sleep

Providers don't always have the time to cold-call on a new prospects and that severly limits the size of your market, but with The Wellness Orchard on your side, we will be putting your offer in front of potential new customers and giving them the opportunity to buy your services, even while your sleeping.

Less Effort Marketing

Marketing and demonstrating your value to the corporate community can detract you from what you do best - creating effective experiences for clients. We want to make it easy for your experiences to be shown to the world in a way that makes it compelling and easy to book.

Reduced Admin Time and Cost

The overhead of setting up your business as a Provider for each new client really eats into valuable time. This is a real and often unquantified cost related to multiple steps across the process of marketing, pre-sales, booking, delivering, payment and follow-up. We automate these so you set up once and focus on value creation.

Being paid on-time

You can set up your business and bank details just once regardless of the number of clients. You can also configure your payment terms, booking policy and cancellation policy simply via our one-time set-up. Then you can be paid seamlessly and on-time by customers who are reviewed by the community.

Collaborative Creativity

Ensuring all the boring stuff above is dealt with, allows your creativity to flow and for you to collaborate with fellow wellbeing providers to create and publish new experiences. This means that you can focus on the reason you started in the first place.

Growing Wellness!