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The Movement Break
The Movement Break provides businesses with the opportunity to support employee health & wellbeing through Movement Breaks
As two brothers, we are excited and passionate about improving physical and mental wellbeing in the workplace. We noticed that due to the current circumstances people could not get to the gym and more people than ever were working from home, including ourselves. It's easy to forget to move, whether you’re working at the office or remotely. We want to help people create better habits in their working day by bringing Movement Breaks to them. Studies show that exercise and small breaks can improve productivity levels. We want to help employees move more, feel good and perform better in their workplace!
Dublin, Ireland
Pilates , Remote work, Office, Employees , Ergonomics , Mindfulness , Productivity, Health & Wellbeing, Corporate Wellness , Movement
Carl Grehan
''I want to help as many people as possible on their health & fitness journey and make them feel better within themselves both physically & mentally’'
Carl is co-founder of The Movement Break, head of marketing & coach with Performance Therapy Ireland. Carl wants to help as many people as possible on their personal health & fitness journey.. From working in the Health, Fitness & Sports Industry for the last 10 years and primarily working with individuals and small groups, Carl realised the positive impact he could have on people and ignited the fire to create The Movement Break, which is giving him the platform to help even more people become more aware of their health & wellbeing. Carl is dedicated and motivated towards his work and his philosophy is built around empathy and support through coaching.
Karen Whelan
I love to help people build a muscle mind connection through consistent movement.
Karen is an Advanced Pilates Mat work teacher with over 9 years’ experience in the health and fitness industry. Passionate about helping others to unlock their body's true potential through movement, Karen influences her clients to move better in a way that will transfer to and benefit their day to day lives.
Pilates for flexibility, posture, core & focus
A live 30 minute Movement Break to improve flexibility, posture and enhance mental awareness!
Stretch, Strength & Sweat Live 30 Movement Break
Stretch, Strength and Sweat is a live 30-60 minute virtual Movement Break to get you moving and give you energy for the rest of the day.